Dorothy Hubbard Chilton - October 19, 1929 – November 23, 2014
A few weeks ago I preached about being “God with skin on” for the world. I have had many examples of “God with skin on” in my life, but none more than Dorothy Chilton. Dorothy Hubbard Chilton is my Dad’s mother and she was “God with skin on” for me and for many.
She was active in her church, Hatcher’s Chapel United Methodist, as a Sunday school teacher, treasurer, supreme grand pooba of all things. When I was a kid, if you were at the house on a Sunday, you went to church. It is here that I learned the magical dessert dirt and worms – gummy worms in a mixture of chocolate pudding and crushed Oreos. It is also here that I first experienced Christian community in which I wasn’t the preacher’s kid, just Delmer’s boy.
Dorothy’s presence as “God with skin on” is not limited to the church. She was a constant model of the self-emptying love of Christ. She went through life exemplifying the loving kindness of Christ, which is not always nice, and is sometimes quite stern, but always loving. With Dorothy, none of us grandkids ever had any doubt that we were loved beyond stating, without anything needing to be stated.
Micah 6:8 tells us that what we are to do for God is to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. Dorothy Hubbard Chilton modeled that response to God’s love into the world and will forever be “God with skin on” for whomever she encounters.
I love you Grandma, now and always.